The Coast News Group


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Election 2020: Battle lines drawn over Prop. 22, future of rideshare drivers

Steve Puterski
REGION — What has become an unofficial referendum on Assembly Bill 5, Proposition 22 pits union and pro-labor allies against ride-sharing companies such as Uber,...
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Appeals court ruling averts Uber/Lyft shutdown

REGION — San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo got their wish today when an appeals court put on hold a...
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Two CA mayors urge court to stay injunction against Uber, Lyft over AB 5

REGION — San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer joined San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo today to urge an appeals court to stay an injunction that they...
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Independent contractor bill advances in senate, limits freelance writing work

Steve Horn
REGION — A bill which could reshape independent contract labor, and the California economy at-large, advanced on July 10 in the California Senate. The bill,...
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Workers, employers react to ‘Dynamex’ bill amendments

Steve Horn
Assembly Bill 5, which aims to reclassify worker status in accordance with Dynamex, was recently amended to include exemptions in law, real estate and dentistry....