The Coast News Group

Letters to the Editor: Aug. 24, 2012

Tri-City vs. Palomar Health 

Tri-City Hospital’s board majority trembled at the sight of, “Attila the Hun’s invading hoards,” aka Palomar Health. I suggested that Tri-City’s administration conduct surveillance on the enemy during Palomar Medical Center’s open house.

However, both Tri-City and Palomar Health were formed to provide quality healthcare to district residents. Rather than no-holds-barred competition, they should be collaborating to enjoy success in their parallel missions.

It’s heartless to prevent Palomar’s storefront clinics within

Tri-City’s district boundaries, when Tri-City has no interest in providing similar access to care. It’s hypocritical for Tri-City to promote robotic surgery in a Temecula shopping center, far outside district boundaries. It’s insane to deny Tri-City’s inevitable patient loss to state-of-the-art Palomar Medical Center.

It’s paramount that Tri-City Hospital’s board majority be replaced. No more Coulter, Anderson and Reno — vote them out!


Randy Horton

Board Member, Tri-City Healthcare District