The Coast News Group
Personal trainer Rachael Stoltz offers personal training wherever the customers want to work out: at home, at parks, at the office, at beach, at gym. Courtesy photo
Marketplace News

Train where you want: concierge personal trainer makes house calls

“I can see that you have more strength left,” says Rachael Stoltz, personal trainer. “Six more!” Stoltz is training with me in my gym, which is the place I wanted to work out.

The training is very efficient, and I truly can feel the fat burning.

Stoltz explains that building lean muscle will burn fat and increase my strength. Meanwhile, Stoltz’s business idea is founded in availability — to come where her customer wants to work out.

“When I come to wherever they want to, they don’t have any excuse left not to train. In many cases, people don’t have time to work out or they can’t drive to the gym,” Stoltz says.

She helps older people train in their homes.

Seniors want to maintain their ability to move and do regular stuff like go to the grocery store or walk their dogs. Some of them want to exercise in a safe environment, maintain their balance, and independence.

Stoltz always brings her equipment with her — yoga mats, click weights, balls and ropes — so that the customer can try different workouts. San Diego resident Stoltz is originally from Poway and has a kinesiology degree in physical therapy and more than 12 years of training experience.

I want to get more muscle.

Stoltz shows me simple moves to develop my abs, biceps, triceps and shoulders and to help my sore neck. She is very patient and knowledgeable.

Stoltz helps clients work out how they want; training depends on what they want to achieve.

“It’s great if something truly motivates a customer to train,” she says. “The real reason to work out has to be something that they value in life, for example to be able to play with your grandkids or maintain the relationship with your significant other or live longer.

“The results are incredible. I have an 82-year-old client that tripped and caught himself with only his hands in a push up position. His knees never touched the ground. Your body doesn’t care how old you are. You can build strength and lean muscle at any age.”

Stoltz’s life goal is to help people live healthful lifestyles by creating balance and joy in her customers’ lives.

“Outside shows what is inside,” she says. “I want to deal with forgiveness and guilt and get the problems inside solved.”

Stoltz offers a free initial workout and consultation. Visit or call (858) 284-8004 for more information.